8 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Information Destruction
You can never be too careful when disposing of confidential information. Internal information destruction plans only offer only a basic level of data security. In this blog, we discuss several benefits of outsourcing your information destruction to a qualified partner:
1. Fraud Prevention
Office shredders are limited to dumping the shredded paper in uncontrolled dumpsters or with unregulated recyclers. As a result, an identity thief can steal bags of shredded material from your dumpster and reconstruct your paper records. A shredding and destruction service minimizes your identity theft and business fraud exposure. Look for one that controls your paper all the way to the point of being pulped into recycled product.
2. Brand Protection
You’ve put effort into building your brand. Outsourcing your information destruction prevents privacy breaches that damage your reputation and undermine customer confidence.
3. Cost Control
Think of how much time you and your employees spend shredding documents. Removing staples and paperclips from documents and hand-feeding them into an office shredder can take several minutes per file. Now consider how much you pay your employees and the cost of buying, repairing, and replacing shredding machines. A shredding and destruction service eliminates the use of paper shredders and destruction tasks, saving your company thousands of dollars a year.
4. Employee Productivity
You want your employees to make money for your business. In-house document shredding takes time away from revenue-producing tasks. Outsourcing your information destruction enables your staff to stay focused on the job they’re hired to do.
5. Environmental Sustainability
Every year, millions of tons of paper and electronic devices are discarded in landfills. Outsourcing your information destruction ensures your discarded information is recycled.
6. Automatic Privacy Protection
When you’re busy, shredding and destruction often gets pushed to the bottom of your “to do” list. But this can increase privacy risks with legal and financial consequences. A shredding and destruction service put your information destruction practices on auto pilot; your documents and media are destroyed daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly by screened professionals.
7. Compliance
The following privacy laws affect businesses across a wide range of industries:
Failure to follow these regulations may result in fines and penalties. Outsourcing your shredding ensures your company complies with local, state, and federal laws. Your shredding and destruction provider should provide you with a Certificate of Destruction after every information destruction project. This document provides legal proof of your organization’s due diligence.
8. Peace of Mind
Data security risks can keep you up at night. A shredding and destruction service eliminates the fear of having your private information compromised, so you sleep better.
As you can see, an outsourced shredding solution offers a variety of benefits.
Richards & Richards offers NAID AAA Certified document shredding and media destruction services for businesses throughout Nashville. For more information, please call us at (615) 242-9600 or complete the form on this page.